
Mike Paterson

Passionate about advancing the communities where we serve, helping advertising customers grow their business.

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."
- Simon Sinek


Mike has worked in the radio, media, and broadcast industry for 30 years, gaining experience in every aspect of the business, including being one of the first Digital Sales Managers nearly 20 years ago. As a seasoned General Manager, he is passionate about advancing the communities where we serve, helping advertising customers grow their business, and growing the careers of his co-workers. In addition to Mid-West Family, he is also involved in many local community service organizations. Outside of the office, Mike enjoys driving his teenage twins everywhere and making sure the Chicago sports teams attempt to win something before 2040.

Request A Meeting With Mike


When you work with Mike, you’re not just building a business relationship, but a friendship for life.

Let's Influence The Stateline Together!

I know not everyone is ready to schedule a meeting, but they'd like to continue the conversation.

Here's your chance.